Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Chick Family

This lovely's family's Autumn photo session was a blast!

I love using frames for family photo sessions; 
it makes for great Mother/Daughter Photos like this one

Can't you just feel the adoration pouring through this picture!  Love it!

These kiddos were so much fun!  They came up with this one!

Mother and Son.  This is one of my favorite photos from the whole session.

Sisters - A sister will always be by your side no matter what

I love the bright, bold colors they chose to wear. 
It was a perfect match for the colors of Autumn

I love this, it says so much about Lena's vivacious personality

Seriously one of the sweetest, most loving families ever.

A Daddy/Daughter Moment :)

Meghan Noelle - Newborn Session

Sweetie little baby Meghan Noelle
The electric guitar was a great little touch for this musical family

Having a little chat with Daddy

She's Mommy's cute little Christmas present

Snuggles with Mommy are the best

This little baby girl is a sweet little addition to the family

Not going to lie, but this was Daddy's idea and I love it!  
A great way to announce a new little blessing to the family.

One happy family!

Baby girl was awake for the whole session and she was sooo good! 
 I love how deep blue her eyes are.

Can't wait for this family's next photo session!

Gabriel's 1 Year Old Session

This little guy is my little buddy and a joy to be around

He loved exploring and waving hi to me.  He was not camera shy at all!

Gabe is Mr. Adventurous!  He got down in the tall grass and
 crawled/walked around blowing on the "wishies" and laughing

Little Mr. Charmer

Following Theodore Roosevelt's advice to "Walk tall and Carry a big stick!"

The lighting for this photo was perfect and he sat still long enough 
for me to capture this moment of peacefulness

Can't wait to be able to photograph this little cutie again!